is operated by
Správa Břevnovského kláštera s.r.o.,
registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, No. 270669
Company identification number: 1011728702
Břevnovský klášter
Markétská 1
169 00 Praha 6
Tel: +420 220 406 180, +420 220 406 170
Loc: 50°5'3.423"N, 14°21'24.302"E
Hotel director
Mr. Jiří Mládek
Tel: +420 220 406 180
By car to Adalbert
The hotel is easily accessible:
• Via the D5 motorway, called Via Carolina (from Würzburg → Nürnberg → A6 → Plzen).
• Via the Prague Circuit (10 minutes) from the direction of Brno, Austria ad.
• Via the D8 motorway, called the Teplicka or Dresden road, from which you can reach the hotel in 15 minutes using the Blanka tunnel (from Dresden → A17 → Ústí nad Labem).